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Liliana Sanchez
Director of the Bilingualism Research Laboratory
Professor of Hispanic linguisticsDr. Sanchez’s interests are bilingual, heritage and comparative syntax. In bilingual syntax, her current work focuses on cross-linguistic influence across language components especially syntax, morphology and informational structure (Spanish in contact with Quechua, Shipibo, Ashaninka, and English). Her work on heritage bilingualism focuses on modeling processes of divergent access to heritage grammars. In comparative syntax, she works on the interface between informational structure and morphosyntax (Spanish, Quechua). She is currently Co-PI with Dr. Elena Koulidobrova in an NSF-funded project on how information on COVID-19 has reached minoritized populations.
Dr. Sanchez on Researchgate

Gabriel Martinez Vera
Associate Director of the Bilingualism Research LaboratoryDr. Martinez is a Lecturer in Pragmatics at the School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics at Newcastle University. His research interests lie in morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics, as well as their interfaces (including the syntax-prosody interface) and bilingualism. His research has focused on Romance and Andean languages, as well as on American Sign Language.
Dr. Martinez’s website
Dr. Matinez on Researchgate

Megan Marshall
PhD StudentMegan Marshall is a doctoral student in the department of Hispanic and Italian Studies at UIC. Her research focus is on child bilingual language development, dual language instruction, heritage language maintenance and critical language pedagogy. She currently teaches in the Heritage Language Program at UIC. Previous to her time at UIC she spent 9 years running a small business, Lango Chicago, that provided immersion language programs and curriculum for young children.

Adam Cleveland
PhD StudentAdam’s research interests include syntax, bilingualism, and code switching. Adam is also interested in exploring language shift patterns among second and third generation Spanish speakers and how that relates to syntax. Previous research has focused on the syntax of clitics in Spanish. Adam completed a B.A. in Spanish with a minor in Linguistics at Northeastern Illinois University (NEIU) and completed his M.A. in Linguistics also at NEIU.

Jefferson Imbaquingo
PhD StudentPhD student in Hispanic Linguistics. His main current research focuses on the linguistic conjecture marking in Ecuadorian Andean Spanish monolinguals and Kichwa-Spanish bilinguals in Ecuador, as well as conjecture in the US context with Spanish L2 and Spanish heritage speakers. He is also currently working on the resolution of anaphoric structures by Spanish heritage speakers in the US and the role of prosody. He has taught L2 Spanish and Heritage Spanish courses. His general research interests are bilingual grammars, heritage speakers, language contact, Spanish in contact with indigenous languages, L1 dialects phonological inventories and L2 acquisition.

Rosela Romero
PhD StudentRosela’s current research interest focuses on linguistic policy and language rights of Indigenous language speakers in language contact contexts. She is also interested in language and identity, bilingualism and language contact. She completed a MA in Hispanic Linguistics at UIC and a BA in Linguistic Anthropology at the Universidad Veracruzana (Veracruz, Mexico).

Jess Ward
PhD StudentJess’s research interests include phonological and syntactic L2 and L3 acquisition. Her current work is concerned with heritage speaker L3 acquisition, pronoun disambiguation, and L2 acquisition of word-final voiced stops.
Jess’s ResearchGate:

Eduardo Daniel Pérez
PhD studentDaniel’s current interests are the study of information structure in the marking of evidentiality by bilinguals Kichwa – Spanish. His general interest is the study of Spanish in contact with indigenous languages. His prior research and collaborations have focussed on linguistic landscape, ethnography, and multimodal studies. He is a collaborator of the project Indigenous Health, Minoritized Communities, and COVID-19. He is also a member of the Interdisciplinary Research Program Oralidad Modernidad, Ecuador.

María Páramo Bárcena
MA studentMaría’s interests lay between pedagogy and research. She studied a MA in Didactics of Spanish as a L2 at Universidad Nebrija (Spain). While in Spain, she spent 3 years teaching Spanish to migrants. When she visited the US to complete a MA in Hispanic Studies at Auburn University, she developed an interest in the field of bilingual morphosyntax. Her more general research interests are language contact, bilingual grammars & the role of universals in Ln phonology.

Isabella Silva DePue
MA StudentIsabella’s research interests include heritage language acquisition and maintenance, and L2/L3 phonological acquisition. Her projects have explored the development of morphosyntax and lexical pragmatics in Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish as well as ironic speech and their prosodic correlates in Chilean Spanish.

Sam Wadas
MA studentSam’s research interests include second and third language acquisition, phonological acquisition, and bilingualism. She would like to look more into tonal languages.

Luis C Aguilar Saucedo
MA studentLuis’s interests include Syntax, Semantics, and Logic. He studied an MA in Philosophy at University of Liverpool (United Kingdom). Later, he was a lecturer of Philosophy of Language and an instructor of Logic and traditional Spanish grammar at Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (México). Luis’s research interests lie in meaning processing and lexical category changes.

Deneb Avendaño Domínguez
MA StudentDeneb is interested in understanding language from interdisciplinary perspectives. She has explored topics such as information structure and argument structure. Currently, she is interested in approaching to language processing, bilingualism, and minoritized languages. Besides linguistics, she enjoys teaching.

Marina Sokolova
Visiting ResearcherMarina holds a PhD in Non-Native Language Processing from the University of Southampton, UK (2020), as well as a PhD in English Literature from Nizhny Novgorod, Russia (2011). Marina studied a MA in Second Language Studies at the Indiana University, USA (2017) and another MA in Linguistics and Intercultural Communication at Nizhny Novgorod, Russia (2002). Marina’s research interests focus in psycholinguistics: language processing, parsing algorithms in native and non-native languages, bilingualism and multilingualism, second and third language acquisition.

Julio César López Otero
Visiting ResearcherDr. López is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Hispanic Studies at the University of Houston. His research interests center around the acquisition of structures laying in the syntax-semantics interface in second language and heritage speakers of Spanish with different dominant languages (e.g., English, Portuguese, Romanian). He is especially interested in the maintenance of Spanish as a heritage language and in the attrition of L1 Spanish.
Dr. López on Researchgate
Dr. López’s Website

Shane Ebert
Post-doctoral Scholar
His research centers on understanding cross-linguistic properties of morphosyntax by taking advantage of the distinctive properties of linguistic systems with two or more languages, i.e. those of bilingual speakers. He mostly focuses on early and simultaneous bilinguals, although he also looks at late bilinguals, i.e. second language (L2) learners. His research interests include the morphosyntax of wh-questions, contrasts in acquisition by L2 learners and heritage speakers, formal approaches to heritage language, and methodology in experimental code-switching research.
Dr. Ebert on Academia
Former Members Heading link
Former Members | Affiliate members |
Luis López (Former Director of the Bilingualism Research Laboratory) | John Archibald (University of Victoria) |
Irati de Nicolas | Karlos Arregi (University of Chicago) |
Rodrigo Delgado | Daniel Büring (University of Wien) |
Carmen Thom | Jennifer Cabrelli-Amaro (University of Illinois at Chicago) |
Cecilia Solís-Barroso | José Camacho (University of Illinois at Chicago) |
Katja Cantone (University of Duisburg-Essen) | |
Marcel Den Dikken Eötvös Loránd (University & Research Institute for Linguistics) | |
Paola Dussias (Penn State University) | |
Ingo Feldhausen (Goethe University - Frankfurt) | |
Anastasia Giannakidou (University of Chicago) |